1 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing -莎士比亞
2 Better a thousand years of peace than a single day of戰(zhàn)爭 -古斯塔夫·勒龐
3 Better to live in a world of true friends and brave hearts than to die in a world of false friends and膽怯的心 -卡勒德·胡賽尼
4 Call me by your name and think of me as someone you might know Do not call me good for I am not good Do not call me evil for I am not evil I am just another person like you like all of us -馬良
5 Better to live a life that is useful than to live a life that is beautiful for if one day you find that you are not useful you will be sorry -尼采
6 The world is a dangerous place full of opportunity and promise It is also a place where many people come to die -馬爾克斯
7 If you are looking for a fight you will find one If you are looking for a solution you will find a problem -馬丁·路德·金
8 In the end the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -毛姆
9 All human life is valuable and the value of each life is to be considered in its own right -約翰·勒卡雷
10 The most important thing in life is not to be afraid of failure The most important thing is to be afraid of success -阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦